About the Museum

Mjellby Art Museum is situated in Halmstad on the west coast of Sweden. You can easily travel here by car (8 minutes from Halmstad city, 4 minutes from Halmstad City Airport).

The museum reopens on 7 September 2024

The museum is closed due to an extensive renovation and extension. We are preparing for the future and the museum plans to reopen in the autumn of 2024.

Mjellby Art Museum is situated in Halmstad on the west coast of Sweden. You can easily travel here by car (8 minutes from Halmstad city, 4 minutes from Halmstad City Airport).

Corona – our changes to ensure the safety

If you are symptom-free, you are welcome to visit the museum. Remember to keep a safe distance to other visitors.

We have made a number of changes to ensure the safety of our visitors and staff:

  • We limit the number of simultaneous visitors to the museum to a maximum of 40 people to avoid crowding.
  • We have introduced extra cleaning routines to reduce the risk of disease.
  • As part of the security measures, our cash registers are now cash-free. It is possible to pay by card or Swish.
  • Our guided tours are cancelled until further notice. See our digital programme activities – YouTube (in swedish) External link.
  • We follow the authorities recommendations closely.

Opening hours

Week 25 / 2024

  • Monday 17 June
  • Tuesday 18 June
  • Wednesday 19 June
  • Thursday 20 June
  • Friday 21 June
  • Saturday 22 June
  • Sunday 23 June

Notice that the museum is closed (Stängt) during installation of new exhibitions and some swedish holidays.


Adults: 80 kronor

Student: 60 kronor
Senior: 60 kronor
Visitors under the age of 20 years: free admission

Family: 250 kronor (2 adults with children), during 2021.
Group, 12 persons or more: 60 kronor

How to get here

Getting here by bus

There are two bus lines that take you to and from Mjellby Art Museum. Lines 1 and 5 stop at the stops "Mjellby konstmuseum" and "Mjällby". The journey takes between 14–19 minutes.

Getting here by bycycle

From central Halmstad, cycle west towards "Äventyrslandet" (the tivoli). Then follow "Gamla Tylösandsvägen" until "Bäckagårdsvägen". Cycle straight ahead at the roundabout. Immediately after the roundabout, turn right. Follow the signs "Konstmuseum" (Art museum).

Getting here by car

Mjellby Art Museum is situated in Halmstad on the west coast of Sweden. You can easily travel here by car (8 minutes from Halmstad city, 4 minutes from Halmstad City Airport).

Just follow the directions towards "Steninge" and you will find the signs "Mjällby" and "Konstmuseum" 7 kilometres outside Halmstad city.

  • From Göteborg: E6 south (150km)
  • From Malmö: E6 north (150km)
  • From Copenhagen: E6 north (170km)

Do you use GPS?

Latitud N 56° 40, 746¹
Longitud E 012° 46, 413¹

Hylllor med kaffemaskin, micro, påsar med tilltugg, kakor och flaskor med dryck.

Mjellby konstmuseums´ mini market.


Welcome to visit our mini-market with selected local sweets and coffee. You can also bring your own picnic and enjoy it in our garden or indoors. There is a microwave that you can borrow.


  • Two parking spots for people with limited mobility
  • Hearing aid at our guided tours
  • All doors in the museum open automatically
  • Toilet for people with limited mobility
  • You can borrow a wheelchair
  • Ramps, no stairs
  • Admission is free for attendants
  • Guide dogs and assistance dogs are welcome


Please contact Mjellby Art Museum if you wish to mail order any of the museums articles. See swedish version for products (some books are in English).

Contact the museum

+46 35-13 70 00 (Halmstads kommun)

Send a message to Mjellby Art Museum


Postal address

Mjellby konstmuseum
Box 316
SE-301 08 Halmstad

Visiting address

Mjellby konstmuseum, 305 91 Halmstad